
Saturday, August 31, 2019

s ‘Patriarchy’ a useful concept anymore?

My personal way of defining patriarchy is a society typically dominated and control by men. Patriarchy shows us how our society functions and how it controls women, including all systems, like work place, home, religion etc, where women are formed and developed to the way men want them to be. It is the opposite of matriarchy, meaning women are the head and in control of families. This quote given by H, Hartman signifies social patriarchy, so it is not naturally suggested but socially. ‘I define patriarchy as a set of social relations which has a material base and in which there are hierarchical relations between men, and solidarity among them, which enables them to control women. [p3, H Hartman: (1982), ‘What about women? ‘; ‘Gender Inequality in Employment', 551. 04 leatures 11 and 12. ] The way in which society used to be, was that once the content of ‘patriarchy' had been established, it was used strongly in every society and in many different ways, creating sexual politics, where men were seen as the dominant sex class and the treatment of women, through this patriarchy system determined their future and success in life. The possibilities for women making choices in every aspect of their own personal life were taken away from them or where very limited because of this patriarchal control that was upon them. In the past the husband was clearly the principal negotiator, with the marriage license being the only exception, where the women would really be going into a life long commitment of serving her husband as a slave. The females main source of learning were things such as learning to spin, sew and weave, and maybe a little reading and writing. The main company that was given to them, were other females, and they lived more or less behind closed doors. The women had a separate section in the house that was located away from the other sections so that communications with males or strangers were barred. While the men when out to work, the women's role was just seen as to be looking after the house and children, and listen to their husbands. ‘The separation of home from work led to a sharper separation of male and female spheres. The world of business outside the home became a male sphere and the world of home and children became a women's one. ‘ [p366, Fulcher & Scott. (1999) Sociology] The husband's leisure and business time were of no business to the wife, domesticity cut women off from business life and public activities in general. In some society's women were degraded, they were seen as objects used for male needs and a simple tool of breeding children. ‘A woman of a particular community, caste or social-economic stratum is raped to ‘teach' that section of the society, in other words, to reproduce the hierarchical structure. ‘[http:marxists. org/archive/marx/work/1884/orgin-family/ch02d. htm]. It was in the mid-1800 when the first signs of the feminist movement came about. In 1961 it was discussed by a man named John Stuart, that the role of women is society during that time, pointing out how the patriarchy placed such an intense limit on what women could do. A time came out when evidence should the existence of a pre-industrial division of labour between men and women. However this existence contained occupational segregation, where the females worked only in female jobs and males concentrated in male jobs. ‘Middleton (1979) argued that women did carry many different agricultural tasks, but it was the men who did the high status work of plouging. ‘ [p367 Fulcher & Scott. (1999) Sociology Family and Household] Job segregation enabled males still to maintain superiority over women, because of the patriarchal relationships in paid work. The labour market urged lower wages for women, so that it would encourage them to marry and stay financial dependant on their husbands. Women were excluded from better jobs than men, to keep their primary responsibilities as the main caregiver for children and family. However in some areas of the pre-industrial society capable women who entered the labour market were forced into part-time and insecure employments, where they would be excluded from promotion. Once they married they had to leave their job, so their personal status would drop back down into the status level as they were when they started off. Also the employment of women alarmed men highly as their position of the male role of head of the household became seen as threatened, especially in the twenty century then demands for labour by women became stronger, and women would no longer be ignored. This was when the ‘family wage' became known, when the male breadwinner would support his family with his earnings, whilst the women's earning were treated as a additional source of income so that their unpaid domestic work would not be interfered with their paid work. It was not until the 1980s that these requirements changed, when recruitment practices of certain companies had referred to the Equals Opportunities Commission. The position of men was altered and the women's position underwent significant changes. More women moved into the labour market and were used less in the homes. With the changing of attitudes towards means of the production, families began to drop away from the ways and ideas of ‘male ownership' with society and the changing attitudes of women's role became stronger. Society needed women to work as men could not fill all the vacancies and they needed women to do the jobs that men would not. More opportunities for young children to go to school were given. ‘Private housekeeping is transformed into a social industry. The care and education of the children became a public affair; society looks after all children alike, whether they are legitimate or not'. [p170, Jodi Dean. (1997) Feminism and the New Democracy] Changes in women's employment have had consequences that we still do not know what will happen in a situation involving children, marriages and other important factors in ones individual life. Countries that have high birth rates now have low birth rates, due to women working. Dramatic changes have also taken place, such as divorce rates rising and single mothers increasing. Organizations themselves are re-thinking employing different work time and working practice; because number of paid work and taking care of unpaid domestic and family work has increased as men have to also help now. Females that were before at home looking after husband's mother refuse to do this now. The late twenty century patterns was going to work, leaving work on the first child, then gradually coming back to work. These females were married, where as mentioned before that in the early days, that if women worked, they had to leave the employment completely when they got married. Now there are more women in the labour force than men. Women's economic behaviour is the same as men, but still do different jobs on a lower level. Patriarchy was also found in adopting the name of their husbands after marriage, but more women are choosing to keep their maiden and have a choice of titles e. g. Ms, Miss and Mrs, so that they can retain their own identity. Also another element that changed in society which is widely appreciated now is the fact that women were able to vote which began after the First World War, which was still based on age. However the question still remains that is patriarchy still useful? I would personally argue that yes it is. One has to understand it with other concepts, with the way of how the concept of patriarchy is used. I would personally argue that some concepts of patriarchy has fad away from today society's, but overall it has not lessened, but is now being used under different forms. One form of patriarchy that can be seen as a useful concept, is entertainment given by women. Women are appreciated on their glamour. In the media women such as the ‘Spice Girls' are a role model in society because of glamour. Naked women are commonly shown e. g. in the Sun Newspaper, on page three, where as men nudity is more under the covers. This is seen as useful, as it can be forfilling entertainment for men, and women' role models are being used to put across message, such as Spice Girls putting forward the message of ‘girl power'. It can also still be useful in a relationship as men still oppress women, maybe it is something that males inherent, that men can use to impress women, such as paying when going out, walking the lady home etc. I would say it's main usefulness still lies within the family, as the family and religion are the source of many of our beliefs. Families and religion can be the most powerful sets of shaping one's personality and future. This is important as it is given to us from our primary experiences of family life. It is believed that for a family to work it needs to be organized within a set of rules and belief's. These still mainly come from the main positional power, which is mainly the role of the father. The rules and beliefs are expected to be practiced in order to keep a family together. ‘The key to survival and success for the children in the family system, or the underlying incentives and rewards, is to please the father or, in it's modern form, please the parents, and obtaining their attention and/or approval. [http://www. 2. warwick. ac. uk/fac/soc/siology/researh. htm] In some religions and cultures it is seen as a useful concept, for example Islam, because some elements are practice to protects women and their dignity. Their rules come from the Holy Qur'an, which Muslims obey by not only because they have to, but also because they believe it has been given to them to help guide them and protect them from the dangers of life, one example, adultery. However some may not see it as useful, as facts have shown that the top politicians and scientists are men. Work hours still have had seen to be problems for women. In Britain inequality is illegal but still is happening in other parts of the country, and men still oppress women. Sometimes society promotes sex- stereotyped roles themselves when it is unnecessary, for example in some cultures there is more of a celebration when a baby boy is born, or when children are a bit older society places them into their sex roles, e. . to praise them we say things like â€Å"that's pretty for a good girl† or to a boy it is said † you do that like a girl†, or â€Å"boys don't cry†. We are teaching girls to be feminine, and boys are taught to be masculine, by being tough and insensitive. My conclusion to this essay from reviewing the facts I have gained, is that patriarchy is seen more as useful concept in society today despite the negative elements. I would personally say that women today still depend on certain patriarchal concepts to enable them to gain security within their lives, however this is not true for everyone. During this essay I have covered a range of topics to with patriarchy. In my essay I have concentrated on four aspects, I have defined the term ‘patriarchy'; I have talked about how society was how society has changed, and discussed if patriarchy still is a useful concept. I have produced this with relevant evidence in a form of quotes.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Communication in the customer service role Essay

Section 1 – Understand methods of communication with customers 1a) Use the table below to outline at least two different customer service situations and the different methods of communication that would be needed in these situations. Situation Methods of communication 1. IT department was doing a project over summer to upgrade some older PC’s in around different departments. When Staff came back to work after break there was some complaints of no printers being connected and also lost documents The best methods of communication are in person and trying to rectify the problems straight away with written reporting to helpdesk software to avoid issues reoccurring. 2. Customer has bought an item from catalogue or internet. But when it arrives He is not happy with the quality of the item. Because he can not find returns procedure, he needs to contact the store. The customer has a choice to either write an email or call the store. Find out the returns procedure and get RMA number, also to agree how much money would be refunded. 1b) Based on the information you have provided in the table above, outline why the different situations need different methods of communication. Different situations need different methods of communication to make sure your customer knows that you care and to show empathy to the current situation and customers problems if any. You need to plan the form of communication in relation to the context, and consider different audience and purpose. 2. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you know well), complete the table below by listing at least three different examples of customer interaction and identify the most suitable communication method for each one. Customer interaction Communication method 1. Customer calls to report a problem. Because he is already on the phone, the best is to deal with the situation straight away, ask politely can customer log a job on helpdesk while you look at the issue, than call back customer with the fix. 2. Customer Logs a job on Helpdesk. Prioritise jobs on urgency, and fix them one by one, even if you can not  contact the customer make sure you update comments on each job so if customer go back to check, he can straight away know the progress. 3. Customer comes in with the problem to your office. The best is to listen to customer, tell him you will log a job together and after that go and have a look at the issue. If customer has to go back to his work in the mean time, Ring them back with un update. 3. Complete the table below by identifying at least two advantages and at least two disadvantages of each communication method. Communication method Advantages Disadvantages Face to face 1. Seen body language 2. You can demonstrate the fix 1.You can be interrupted 2. if customer decides to escalate an issue it can be humiliating In writing 1. Written communication can be kept 2. Facts can be passed on without personal adjustments 1.Letters are slower methods of communication than spoken 2. there is no guarantee customer received it Via telephone 1. Instance Response 2. No special tools required 1.you can’t see customer facial expressions 2. You may still have to write to customer afterwards 4. When responding to a customer query in writing, outline the content that could be included in a standard letter. When responding to a letter of complaint you should address all of the areas raised by the customer in their letter. As an organization you need to show the concern, and let the customer know about the commitment to good customer service. Other thing are providing the detail if what do you need to resolve the situation (information details about the complaint) You should also tell them what action has been or will be taken by the organization to resolve the situation. Let customer know that competent person will deal with the matter personally, with job title detail at the end of the letter. 5a) Explain what is meant by the term ‘active listening’. Active listening is about engaging  with the person speaking, in order to understand them. Making sure that we do not disturb in any way the person speaking, but also we appear to be listening and not do anything else in the mean time. Also we keep an Eye contact with other person, nodding or agreeing with person at appropriate moments. 5b) Why is active listening important when dealing with customers? Active listening is important when dealing with customers because it helps you to: Make sure customers feel good after they leave the conversation. Check that you’ve got all the facts, and correct any errors. Encourage further sales opportunities. Properly communicate any message. Remain calm, friendly and polite with the customer. Stay motivated to communicate with that customer in the future. Support organisational effectiveness and customer relations. 6. Use the table below to describe the standard greetings of three different organisations and how these greetings impact on customers. Organisation Standard greeting Impact on customers Charity Shop, coffee shop Face to Face What you wear has an impact – are you required to wear a uniform or badge? How you sound has an impact – it’s important to be polite. Your facial expression has an impact – do you look sullen or approachable? Do you look tidy and presentable? How’s your body language? Is it negative with folded arms, or is it positive with an open posture? Smiles and acknowledgements meet guests’ needs for attention. Call centre Telephone How you sound has a make-or-break impact! If you sound tired or disengaged, the customer will pick up on this. If you sound enthusiastic and pleasant, the customer is likely to feel more at ease. Smiling as you pick up the phone may improve how you sound. It’s important to be polite.Your appearance is not as important but your manners are – offer assistance and listen and respond where appropriate. Supermarkets Boards Impersonal, some people might not notice is. Good when there are a lot  of customers. Customers feel welcomed without being disturbed. Section 2 – Understand how to handle customer service information 1. Explain what information may be held about customers by an organisation. Organisation can hold different types of data to provide an improved personalised service. WHO – essential info like name, gender email address and telephone number, also sometimes customers address, date of birth and ethnic background. HISTORY – Information concerning a customer’s transaction history with the organisation may include when and how they bought products or used services in the past. For example, did they buy products online, by phone or in person? PREFERENCES – Information about customer likes and needs and sometimes interests is essential to an organisation trying to understand exactly why customers buy or use the product or service on offer. 2. Outline at least two examples of ways in which customer information can be kept secure and confidential. COMPUTER SECURITY – One of the ways which organisation can implement to keep customer information secure and confidential. To implement computer security organisation needs to: Implement a firewall Install Antivirus, anti spyware and anti malware Keep your software up to date with latest patches Implement folder security with access to files by job description Implement IT usage policies Implement password policies Implement Backup and secure storage for it Secure format all drives before disposing OFFICE SECURITY – Steps needed to take to ensure the security and confidentiality of customer information in the office: Ensure physical security to the building Implement Data protection policies with Data protection officer Make sure all confidential documents are shredded When sending information to outside recipients double check it going to right people 3. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with): Give at least two examples of information about the organisation that  should not be disclosed to customers. 1. Any details of and pending investigations and proceedings against college. 2. Personal data of staff and students. Explain why this information should not be disclosed to customers and the implications on the organisation if it is. 1. It could impair the effective conduct of public affairs, it could ruined the public image. 2. Personal data should never be disclosed to other customers or the general public because it’s protected by the Data Protection Act 1998. The implication is of course ICO enforcement and financial penalties. Section 3 – Understand how to work as part of a team to provide effective customer service 1. In relation to your current customer service role (or one that you are interested in doing in the future), what are the limits of this role when delivering customer service (e.g. what are you able to deal with as part of this role and what situations would you be unable to handle without assistance from others)? I am IT Services engineer, product specialist. My Job role is to develop good working network for apple hardware, but also work with other engineers to maintain current systems. Answer customer queries and fix problems. If customer hardware is broken beyond repair, the only thing I can do is tell customer to request replacement, I can not promise that we will be able to do it. If repair is out of my hands I help customer to log/ update job on helpdesk and make sure the right engineer knows its been booked for him. That helps keep customer expectations at the level we can satisfy them. 2. If you were faced with a customer query outside of your individual responsibility, what sources of help would be available to you? Identify them below. Other engineers (specialities)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Carnival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Carnival - Essay Example This paper aims to discuss the statement of Bakhtin stating that carnival has undergone a great deal of transition from medieval time to romanticism. Furthermore, a discussion or implementation of the idea that was presented by Bakhtin will be done on Batman (1989) and Night before Christmas (1993). It is important to understand the context of carnival theory presented by Bakhtin before discussing the difference between medieval and modern carnival and the reasons behind transition. The contextual understanding of carnival by Bakhtin is based upon the European tradition of carnival. Critics claimed that Bakhtin took interest in assessing the seventh century forms of the grotesque because he was impressed by carnivals as he viewed them as occasions where the lows and highs of the society submerged together for some time. In simpler words, the authority of the church and state came together without any control. It will not be incorrect to state that Bakhtin’s account of carnival was anarchic where everyone liberated as audiences and performers (McNay, 1994). It has further been stated by Bakhtin that Carnivalesque bodies were involved in the use of absurd or laughter in order to present the difference between life and death. Festivity lingered all these years in order to provide people to express their views about life. In short, carnival was just a way to provide a platform for expression for people in all geographic locations of societies over the years. It should be noted that carnival rather gave a way to people to cherish their identity and presence by giving up undertaking a re-birth of experiences (Muggleton, 2000). Bakhtin celebrates the mediaeval culture of the carnival, but he does this in the context of its relevance to the development of the classic  literature of the  Renaissance  ; Rabelais, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Dante and Boccaccio etc. Moreover, Bakhtin asserts that  the Renaissance would not have happened without the carnival  ,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Managerial Position of Manager Bank of America Essay

Managerial Position of Manager Bank of America - Essay Example A trustworthy manager can direct to more productive outcomes and is able to increase the achievements of any organization. Good management can improve the reputation of the bank and job satisfaction of employees. Thus, it can provide good customer satisfaction and increase the customer base. Managerial Functions Bank manager is in charge for the overall improvement and performance of the bank and the employees. The function of bank manager is to ensure superior service quality, business improvement and accomplishment of target (Peke, n.d.). The most important function of a bank manager in Bank of America is to develop the business of the bank. Bank manager always strives to increase the income through increasing the customer base. Bank manager is liable for setting the goals and planning a way to fulfill them. It is the function of bank manager to regularly examine the progression of other competitor banks and assess their business activities. A bank manager must ensure to maintain t he professional standard and the policy of the bank (Stanley St Labs, n.d.). Kinds of Managers Control Freak: This type of managers prefer to control all operations of the bank on his own. They do not prefer employees to make any kind of managerial decision whether it is a small decision or big. This kind of manager never tells the details about any assignment to complete it. Autocratic: Manager of this kind does not care about the workers. This type of manager is quite tuff and they are pretty clear about their need. Team Builder: This kind of managers is proficient at their work. They are quite open near subordinates and they seek for creativity from the workers. These kinds of managers do any task in particular way and by involving the employees. Managerial Roles In banking there are several roles for managers which are: Operation manager: These types of managers are open to the customers and have good communication skill. They deal with the customer directly about any kind of pr oblem. Retail manager: These types of managers handles the retail operations such as bank cashier, ATM operations, manage the deposit and withdrawal, money order, utility bill and others. Investment manager: The role of investment manager is to manage the account of customer, freight brokerage, analyze the investment, and manage the investment fund and operational investments. Financial manager: The role of financial manager is to manage the bill, account, and other financial services. Loan manager: Loan manager assess the loan requests, verify the customers’ capability to repay the loan amount and provide approval of loan. These types of managers are specialized in business, consumer and credit lending (Profitableinvestment, 2011). Managerial Skills Technical: A manager must be able to use specific methods or techniques to perform the managerial task. The technical skill is not associated with usage of equipment, machinery or technology. It is related with the usage of vario us managerial techniques in decision making such as break even analysis, planning any training program, conduct an interview and others. Interpersonal: A manager must possess skill to lead the employees. The interpersonal skills of manager consist of motivating the employees, resolving any disagreement and communicating with customers and other people. Conceptual: Conceptual skills are extremely important for middle level or top level managers. A manager should be capable of ‘grasping the whole picture’ of any bank. Communication: This is the basic skill of all bank managers. A manag

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Study - Assignment Example Swiss Classic draws inspiration from the ancient Swiss culinary which is known as the maker of the best chocolate in the world. The product will come in different shapes and sizes according to the preference of the customer. The Chocolate House will also offer customized packaging which allows the buyers to choose from brown and gold packages. Swiss Classic's price will range from 10 for three small chocolates to 30 for three large ones. Aside from being sold in company-owned retail outlets, Swiss Classic can also be delivered for an additional charge and can be bundled with wine, bouquets and cards when used as gifts. This promotional objective allows the firm to provide value to its customers thereby ensuring the steady inflow of sales. Because the chocolate is popular and widely consumed by the UK market, The Chocolate House's main task is to capture the appropriate niche for its products. Demand creation enables the company and the product Swiss Classic to succeed and even merely survive in the industry. Inadequate demand in the long run will force the company to withdraw and close down. Thus, this objective is pivotal in the survival of the business organization. Creating Image This promotional objective allows the firm to differentiate itself among the numerous competitors in the industry. By occupying a definite position in the customers' minds, The Chocolate House be assured of strong brand equity and recall from its market. The firm will do this by emphasizing on product quality, ensuring freshness through the use of cocoa butter instead of vegetable fat, pricing higher than its competitors, delivering excellent customer service, and designing its outlets as a place for indulgence. Since The Chocolate House is competing through a differentiation strategy, image creation is important in order to stress its uniqueness. The company should always stress what separates it from competitors that customers should patronize its products. If this is not pursued, it might end up being one of the others or worse, it might not be able to win any customer at all. Increasing Sales This promotional objective allows the firm to ensure growth within its market. The Chocolate House will use intensive marketing effort like advertisement and promotions in order to penetrate the UK market and capture higher shares. Through the years, it is the general goal of a firm to grow its market share and consequently its sales. Growth in sales signals the company's efficiency and success in its promotional efforts and overall strategic management. Increasing Profits This promotional objective allows the firm to achieve its goal of maximizing shareholder value. Increasing profits will be ensured through the efficient allocation of promotional budget. The company will also regularly review its pricing strategy in order to ensure maximum profitability. Increasing profits even though not a

Monday, August 26, 2019

Criminal Conviction Rate in England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Criminal Conviction Rate in England - Essay Example ter than 90% conviction rate and 85% negotiated pleas, it would appear that the English judicial system delivers justice at an acceptably speedy rate and therefore has fewer number of detainees on remand awaiting trial for an inordinate number of years. However, the judicial process still takes considerable time and questions arising over the denial of the right to trial within a reasonable time remain relevant. Strong criticisms on how the British government handles terrorism-related cases have been expressed in more recent times. For instance, in 2004, the British House of Lords took exception to the way the government took inordinately long periods of time to deal with terrorism cases2. According to data released by the Ministry of Justice, there has been a general decline in the rate of convictions over the past decade. This is deducible from figure1, which is a graphical representation of the conviction rate in England and Wales for the decade between 2002 and 2012. Figure 1 demonstrates that convictions were low in 2002 but dramatically increased to peak in 2004. Nonetheless, from 2004 to 2012 the convictions continued to decrease with a slight increase between 2008 and 2009 during the global financial crisis, but nevertheless continued on a downward trajectory thereafter, reaching the bottom at roughly 1.2 million convictions in 2012. Based on the figures delineated in Table 1, it appears that there was a statistically significant decline in the number of persons coming into contact with the judicial system for the years 2011 and 2012. These figures include prosecuted cases and control for cases that were settled out-of-court. For 2011, 2.03 persons came into contact with the judicial system which is 8.4% higher than the numbers for the year 2012. These statistics were drawn-off the 13 % fall in out of court settlements from 444,441 persons to 386, 95756, as well as the 7.1 % downfall from 1,583,373 to 1,471, 304 in the defendants proceeding to court

Sunday, August 25, 2019

UNs Declaration of Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

UNs Declaration of Human Rights - Essay Example In actuality, AI annual report documented extrajudicial executions in 61 countries; judicial executions in 28 countries; prisoners of conscience in at least 63 countries; cases of torture and ill-treatment in 125 countries and human "disappearances" in 30 countries. However, Amnesty International believes that the true figures for all these statistics are much higher. The Amnesty International further informed that even though governments have adopted the rhetoric of human rights via the UN’s UDHR, only a few have delivered this into a reality. Amnesty International deemed that there is much that governments can and should do: They can ensure that workers are protected from the worst forms of exploitation; they can combat impunity which is the poison that allows human rights violations to spread, to recur or to re-emerge; they can stop attacking human rights activists; they can, and must, live up to their human rights obligations. Reviewing its origins, the UDHR became the bas is for several human rights treaties, including two Covenants on Political and Civil Rights as well as Social, Economic, and Cultural Rights. This is probably why international human rights advocacy groups have emerged in the 1960s (Amnesty International) and 1970s (Human Rights Watch) to scrutinize the UDHR as the basis of their activism. In contrast, the international community entirely ignored the convention against genocide until the early 1990s. During this time, numerous instances of genocide passed without an international response.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Economic Forecasting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Economic Forecasting - Essay Example The telecommunication network also allows individuals in one institution to search databases, including library catalogues, in any other institution’s computer that has been made available for such use (Carnot, Koen, Tissot, & Carnot, 2011). Non-print media is also a resource that can be used in gather historical data, as well as economic forecasting data. CDs, videodisks among other resources provide large storage space for information and thus can be used to retrieve economic information stored as well as store the information being gathered. Print media such books, journals, magazines, as well as newspapers, are important resources to use while gathering economic forecasting. Books written by an economist in the past can be useful in studying the history of economic thoughts that were used in the past to help explain various economic trends (Higgins, 2011). Newspapers always have resourceful economic articles written by a knowledgeable economist. Since newspapers are produced on a daily basis, they would provide sufficient and current information that would be helpful in economic forecasting. The dialogue could also be resourceful while gathering information on the economic history of economics, as well as economic foresting. Face to face interviews with economists and other key players in the economy could complement information gathered from internet print and non-print media (Carnot et al.,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Faisal -business development of small-scale businesses in saudi arabia Dissertation

Faisal -business development of small-scale businesses in saudi arabia - Dissertation Example A brief scan of the important theories and the challenges to them are as follows: Firm size: According to Schiffer and Weder, the prevailing assumption is that SMEs have more problems than large firms because of their size. The reasons favoring large firms include economies of scale and entry costs; political influence; and greater visibility. Life Cycle vs Age: Masurel & Montfort (2006) analysed the stages in the life cycle of small and medium scale enterprises, in particular in the professional services sector, and distinguishing one stage from the other. Four stages were distinguished – starting; growth; maturity; and decline. First three stages show a diversification in sales, increase in differentiation of labor force, and increase in labor productivity. In the last stage, all these measures decrease. These stages, rather than the firm’s age, are what determine its growth. ... As to innovativeness as a factor in itself, Masurel, et al (2003), Nijkamp (2000) found that the element of leadership fosters creativity in the management of SMEs are determinative of innovative behaviour. Structure: Laforet and Tann (2006) and Tidd, et al. (2001) state that there is a highly significant difference between structure and innovation. This indicates that innovation does not develop well under hierarchical structures, mainly because of high levels of bureaucracy, and flatter SME structures tend to lead to more successful innovative efforts. On the other hand, Wei Xiuli and Juan Zhao (2009) qualifies this, stating that the optimum line structure of SMEs should take into consideration the typical organizational structure of the industry, the maturity of the firm, the specific stage it is in, and other factors that impact on the firm’s performance. Strategic Alliances: Booz, Allen & Hamilton, (n.d.) showed in their studies that SMEs will benefit through the establis hment of cooperative arrangements with other organizations and businesses. Joining forces helps ease expenses by sharing expertise, assets, expenses, and risk without the need for cash, debt or trading equity. In many instances, cooperating groups resort to bartering. Research objectives It is understandable that small and medium scale industries are seldom made the topic of academic research, because of the many factors that are perceived to influence this segment of the business, the studies appear to be fragmented in that so many assumptions are made as to the type of industry and the specifications of the company (high-tech or low-tech, service or manufacture, start-up or mature, mass production or custom designed, and so forth). This study therefore

Trading and Technical Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trading and Technical Analysis - Assignment Example The assignment "Trading and Technical Analysis" discusses the concept of technical analysis which involves the analysis of the market to understand the various factors causing changes in the prices. When making purchases in trading deposits must be made in full amount before a transaction can be completed. Additional funds can, however, be added if the presented funds are not enough for the transaction. Additional fund a must be added within seven days of the trading period. Amounts deposited after the trading period cannot be accepted in undertaking the transaction. Uniform comparison refers to the comparison of markets through the utilization of fundamental and technical analyses. This involves the utilization of similar data in making financial decisions. Technical analysis enables an individual to make purchasing decisions while the long-term investment decisions are made through the application of fundamental economic analysis. A DK notice describes a terminology utilized by traders in describing a comparison of confirmation of transactions. This notice is sent to a party when one party receives a confirmation which it does not recognize. This notice is commonly utilized by the party with insufficient information in seeking to be provided with the information. The notice is settled by the provision of the requested information. The Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) refers to an indicator of technical analysis utilized in determining various elements defining the trend of market prices.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Emotion as Mediators Analytical Tool and Hurdle Essay Example for Free

Emotion as Mediators Analytical Tool and Hurdle Essay Emotion is often associated with feeling expressed in any situation at any given time an individual may encounter. â€Å"In psychology it signifies a reaction involving certain physiological changes, such as an accelerated or retarded pulse rate, the diminished or increased activities of certain glands, or a change in body temperature, which stimulate the individual, or some component part of his or her body, to further activity† (Microsoft ® Encarta ®, 2007). It is very peculiar for a person not to show any reaction to circumstances especially when provoked by another person he is in conflict with. In this light, the role of a mediator is very important in bridging the gap between parties in conflict to find a common ground that possibly move toward a resolution. This paper will discuss the vital role of emotion in conflicts. Considering that emotion is the center of creation and nature of conflict, the probability of managing conflicts may be influenced by emotion as well. The book Meditating Dangerously tells that â€Å"The ostensible purpose of mediation is to ameliorate danger, pacify hurt feelings, and create safe spaces within which dialogue can replace debate, where interest-based negotiation can substitute for a struggle for power† (p. 3). A challenge is laid on my table, to be able to answer how much emotion can only surface to make any progress in the case? How does a mediator controls his emotion over the case? Background of the study It was on 11th of April, 2008 when I first went solo as a mediator. Prior to my case was my friend Diego working on his case between a tenant demanding from her landlord. It was a messy case, but the point to me was how hard it was to manage the raucous lady. She kept screaming and interrupting the landlord and the mediator with her suffered pain with her grievance. It was to the point where we had a security coming in from other room to tell us to calm things down because there was a trial going in our adjacent room. Still she did not cooperate. Having to observe Diego went through a very hard time over his case with the uncontrollable lady and her landlord, the sense of trepidation that I felt had challenged me. I needed to manage my own case without having to go through the same traumatic experience. When my turn came, I had to face five ladies – three plaintiffs and two defendants. I laid out the general rule of explaining mediation as a voluntary process and the bound to confidentiality, etc. I wanted to make sure that my case will not go mishandled. Also, I wanted to assure myself and the parties involved that we are there to solve not a screaming spar like the previous case. During the debriefing with Professor Joshua Jack, he asked why did I say ‘respect’ and ‘no yelling’? By laying the ground rules in the beginning, did I hinder the parties’ true feelings to come out? Professor Jack gave further comments on my case: â€Å"Parties in conflict very often come into the mediation with strong senses of victimization, self righteousness, mistrust, and other negative judgments of one another. If a person thinks that the other is a liar and cheater both in this situation and generally, can they express this honest perspective and still be within the bounds of our rule? It is my view that, if we have any hope of facilitating any real transformation, we have to allow parties to express their true, even if ugly, perspectives. † If we tell people to be nice, they will sometimes accommodate us, but by squelching the expression of the true depth and magnitude of their experience and perception, we also squelch the potential for real transformation and resolution. † According to Bowling and Hoffman (2003), â€Å"The most direct and obvious impact that the mediator has on the mediation process comes from the techniques he or she uses to influence the course of negotiations. These interventions, based on the mediator’s assessment of the obstacles to settlement, might involve giving the parties an opportunity to vent emotional reactions to the dispute, encouraging the parties to focus on interests rather than positions, or helping the parties generate options for settlement† (p. 19). With all due respect to Professor Jack, I know he is a great and experienced mediator. However, as a new mediator, the first thing I want to do is to make sure I have the case in control with confidence. By saying respect, I gave the parties the notion that we are to discuss the dispute, and find a solution as educated people. With the said experience, Professor Jeanne Cleary gave her comments as well: â€Å"Tricky issue, how much control to start out with, based on past experience and with the understanding that the folks in front of you are new and not the past case. You will find your balanced style with this – between too much control that may stifle what’s really going on for them (which will most always include feelings) and too little control (which will be unproductive for folks to hear each other). Keep at developing your sense of that balance as you continue. † Emotional Intelligence as a Tool for Mediators It is not as strange as it may sound to mindfully express emotion with dignity still intact. Emotional intelligence, defined by Salovey and Mayer (1990) in their Ability Model as â€Å"the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions† is very helpful for a mediator in handling mediation between two clashing parties to surface the emotion and be adept at bringing out the feelings from the parties while remaining impartial. Caruso and Salovey (2004) expounded this model as four key emotional skills in Table 1. In this manner, Goleman’s (1998) (as cited in Johnson, Levine, and Richard, 2003) definition of emotional intelligence (EQ) â€Å"as the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships† (p. 317) was able to strengthen the argument of emotional intelligence as a tool for mediators. According to Johnson et al. (2003), â€Å"Allowing emotion to emerge in a mediation, however requires a mediator with a high degree of emotional intelligence †¦ improving one’s emotional intelligence is an essential development path for mediators. As EQ improves, a mediator becomes more comfortable with his or her ability to manage an emotional process successfully† (p. 155). Johnson et al. (2003) were also sharp by saying the essence of developing emotional intelligence because â€Å"Absent the ability to deal with emotions, the true power of mediation is lost. Absent the ability to create space for parties to express difficult emotions, it is unlikely that any resolution reached will last† (p. 164).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Genting Groups Corporate Social Responsibility Practices

Genting Groups Corporate Social Responsibility Practices Effective Implementation of CSR practices In order to remain financially viable and operationally sustainable, sustainable development policies on four basic pillars are centred by Genting Group – Environment, Marketplace, Workplace and Community.  (Sustainability report 2011) ENVIRONMENT Genting Group has long made the protection and preservation of the environment an integral part of their corporate philosophy and business policy. Maintaining a responsible approach to the environment and nature particularly in the conservation of natural resources, waste management and preservation of the flora and fauna are committed by them. Moreover, steps to prevent environmental pollution and conserve energy, water consumption and waste generation are taken from years to years.  (Sustainability report 2011, annual report 2010) (i) Energy Efficiency In year 2010, significant management time in identifying and testing the energy efficiency solutions that would deliver the biggest CO2 savings within an affordable capital programme was invested. In 2011, several conservation and efficiency improvements measures were implemented by Genting Group. These included replacing conventional lights with energy saving lights and the replacement of metal halide spotlights with induction lamps. Their diesel conservation projects are aimed at alleviating the depletion of their natural resources and air pollution. All their pump house diesel engines have been replaced with electrical motors which reduces the diesel consumption to approximately 2.4 million litters per year.  (Sustainability report 2011, annual report 2011) (ii) Waste Management 3R (Reduce, reuse, and recycle) programme and scheduled waste management are implemented. â€Å"Reduce† is achieved by using long-life energy saving lights, reusable cutleries and chemical tanks. â€Å"Reuse† is achieved by using re-using waste paper for printing and back office usage. â€Å"Recycle† is achieved by waste segregation at source and waste delivery according to types of waste. Vermin-composing to turn food waste into organic fertiliser is practised by the Group. Standard guidelines for the management of solid and scheduled wastes are also outlined by the Genting Group waste management. The procedures ensure that the wastes are properly identified, segregated, handled, transported and disposed off in line with the environmental policy, legal and other requirements. The EHS Committee ensures waste management processes are regularly audited in compliance with set standards.  (Sustainability report in year 2011) MARKETPLACE The Group adheres to the highest standards of corporate governance. It is done by operating with integrity, transparency and accountability with the aim of enhancing shareholder value and achieving sustainable business growth. We abide by the principles of honesty and professionalism in all our business dealings. Many of Genting Group’s environmental and social impacts are derived from activities in their supply chain. The strategy to minimise negative impact is basically done by controlling whom they buy the products from, their method of purchase and what their buy. The Group’s corporate website, www.genting.com is also a source of information on corporate and business activities. Annual reports, press releases, quarterly results, announcements and investor presentations are made publicly available on the website. The Group participates regularly in international and local investor forums.  (Sustainability report 2011) (i) ’Go Green’ Programme Lower transportation and packaging cost, lower emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere and less fuel consumption food, locally-grown food is purchased by the Genting Group. Their cost-effective measures which make sure the freshness of their products also lend economic stability to the local buyers and farming community.  (Sustainability report 2011) (ii) Support Environment Friendly Proper disposal of the hazardous and environmentally unfriendly products are stipulated by The Environmental Quality Act 1974. To this effect, Genting Group has used the services of Green Seal certified companies to implement an environmental management system for their business.  (Sustainability report 2011) (iii) Self-Exclusion Programme Personal well-being of their guests was committed by Genting Group and they had implemented the Self-Exclusion Programme, whereby guests with a compulsion to gamble are free to have themselves prohibited from Casino. A Gaming Room has been introduced for this purpose. (Sustainability report 2011, Annual report 2009) WORKPLACE A global workforce of over 19,000 employees is owned by Genting Group. At GENM, they regard the commitment and creativity of their employees, a safe and good working atmosphere and efficient working practices as essential pre-requisites for achieving business success and maintaining a good reputation.  (Sustainability report 2011) (i) Employee Development An evolutionary progression and logical step for Genting Group’s talent management practice was marked in year 2011. As a key pre-requisite for sustainable international expansion, increasing the standards of assessing and developing employees and increasing the level of professionalism were embarked by them; a realm commonly plagued with subjective evaluations. Different talks and campaigns for the development of our senior management were organised in year 2011. Most of the talks are about engagement between the companies and their people into committing to a compelling cause behind the organisation’s mission and core values, and how it curbs behaviour and creates the return of shareholders.  (Sustainability report 2011, annual report 2009) (ii) Safe Workplace Protecting the health and safety of human resources and the public by giving them a good environment is also important for the Genting Group. In cooperation with health and safety experts, they organise monthly Occupational Safety Health (OSH) Talks to reduce the accidents in the respective workplace. One of the policies is ‘No-Smoking Policy’ has been introduced to reduce numbers of dangerous incidents. Besides that, it is also used to show the policy and emphasis how serious they view this matter, regular joint ‘No-Smoking Enforcement’ was organised by the OSH Section with the Management. It was done during the random checks in the area of the building.  (Sustainability report 2010) COMMUNITY A priority for Genting Group at GENM and philanthropic contribution is remained by community development and it is one of the ways they support the various community development activities, infrastructure support to local communities, the underprivileged, disability groups and NGOs. Contributions are made different ways throughout the year. For example, employee volunteerism, carried out through the GENM We CARE Team and the Awana We CARE Teams in order to encourage and provide an avenue for employees within the organisation to give whatever they have for the betterment of the society.  (Sustainability report 2011) (i) Services to Communities Genting Group’s contributions reach out to different sectors of the community. In the year 2011, different types of helps to various groups and sectors in the community were contributed. They included the Malaysian Liver Foundation, OrphanCare Baby Hatch Programme, and Malaysia Diabetes Association so on and so forth. They also undertook the Roti 1Malaysia Charity Project, a joint collaboration with 20 hotels in the Klang Valley, which involved the distribution of bread orphanages and homes.  (Sustainability report 2011, annual report 2009) (ii) Underprivileged and Disability Groups In their continuous effort to support the underprivileged community, 71 homes and charitable organisations were contributed during the various festivals 2011 celebrations. This is in addition to their year-long contributions to the various charitable homes and organisations as well as the underprivileged and marginalised communities. Over the year, they have donated more than 4,000 individuals at the Resort and Theme Park for a programme of activities, meals and merry-making.  (Sustainability report 2010) (iii) Education Genting Group sees education as an important part of making brighter future for everyone. Programmes, training sessions and educational endeavours that have been designed to ensure the younger generation gain more knowledge. For instances, the sponsorship of 1,000 helmets for school children for the Road Safety Campaign organised by the Bentong District Council. The campaign minimise road accidents among school children.  (Sustainability report 2010) (iv) Sports Genting Group too believes that sporting activities are needed to help groom an athletic nation. GENM contributes substantially to help organisations and ministries execute various sporting events. GENM is one of the main sponsors. They provided funds to the Football Association of Malaysia, Selangor Tennis Association in year 2011 and The Malaysia Netball Association for instances.  (Annual report 2010, Sustainability report 2011)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reflective assessment on health and well-being

Reflective assessment on health and well-being References Care Council for Wales (CCW) (2002). The Code of Practice for Social Care Workers. Cardiff: Care Council for Wales. Care Council for Wales (CCW) (2003). National Occupational Standards for Social Work. Cardiff: Care Council for Wales. Douglas, T. (1978). Basic Group Work. London: Routledge Department of Health (DoH, 1998). Partnership in Action: New opportunities for jointworking between health and social services –A discussion document. London: Department of Health Healy, K. (2005). Social Work Theories in context: Creating frameworks for Practice. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Johnsson, E. Svensson, K. (2005). Theory in social work – some reflections on understanding and explaining interventions. British Journal of Social Work. Vol 8 (4) pp. 419-433. Maclean, S. Harrison, R. (2008) Social Work Theory A straightforward Guide for Practice Assessors and Placement Supervisors. Staffordshire: Kirwin Maclean associates Ltd. Payne, M. (2000,a). Team Work in Multi-Professional Care. Basingstoke: MacMillan. Payne, M. (2005,b). Modern Social Work Theory 3rd Edition. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan Vigars et al. (2008). Faculty of Health and Social Care: Aids of Practice Cards. The Open University. West Turner (2009) Understanding interpersonal Communication 3rd edition. USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Wright, S, et al. (2012). Evaluation of Early Parental Intervention Pilot Project. XXXXX. Welsh Assembly Government. Retrieved from: http://www.scie-socialcareonline.org.uk/profile.asp?guid=13a77ca2-2f61-4dbc-a8b0-368ff694ffe1 [Accessed 23/10/2012]. Lindsey, T. Orton, S. (2008). Group work Practice in Social Work: Transforming Social Work Practice. Exeter: Learning Matters Lang (1981) .Welsh Government. (2010). Fulfilled Lives Supportive Communities. Cardiff: Welsh Government Welsh Government (2013) Stats Wales. Persons with learning disabilities by LA, service and age range. Retrieved 27/04/2014 from https://statswales.wales.gov.uk/Catalogue/Health-and-Social-Care/Social-Services/Disability-Registers/PersonsWithLearningDisabilities-by-LocalAuthority-Service-AgeRange

Monday, August 19, 2019

Analyzing the poem First Love. Essay -- English Literature

Analyzing the poem First Love. First Love I will be analyzing a poem called First Love, the poem was written by John Clare, who was born on July 13, 1793 and died on May 20, 1864. The poem is about the poets first love. The poem has three stanzas and eight lines in each stanza, there is twenty-four lines altogether. The poem rhythms, it goes in A,B A,B form, for example Hour rhythms with flower and sweet rhythms with complete. It is in first person, because it uses a lot of I, for example †I could not see a single thing† or â€Å"I never saw so sweet a face†. From the title we can see that the poet was never in love before. In the first line of the first stanza it says, â€Å"I ne’er was struck before that hour†, this line tells us that the poet was never struck with so much love for a person ever in his life. In the second line it says ,†With love so sudden and so sweet†, this line tells us that the poet fell in love so suddenly, this line has aliteration, e.g â€Å"so sudden and so sweet†. In the third line it says, â€Å"Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower†, this line tells us that the poet was shooked and dazzeled by the girls face, and he compares it with a flower. In the forth line it says, â€Å"And stole my heart away complete†, this line tells us that the girls face was so enlightening for the poet, that his heart was taken away by the girls face. This line also has personification,†And stole my heart†, the poet is taking about the face of the girl, and a face can’t steal a heart. In the fifth line it says, â€Å"My face turned pale as deadly pale†, this line tells us that the poets face turned as pale as it can get. This line also has a simile, for example â€Å"pale as deadly pale†. In the sixth line it ... ...nd he wants the reader to tell him. In the third line it says, â€Å"She seemed to hear my silent voice†, this line tells us that he thinks she can hear his thoughts. In the forth, fifth and sixth line it says, â€Å"And love’s appeal to know, I never saw so sweet a face As that I stood before:†, this line tells us that, never in his life did he saw a face so sweet, and that they were standing face to face. In the seventh and eighth line it says, â€Å"My heart has left its dwelling place And can return no more†, this line tells us that his heart has been broken, and it will not return to its rightful place. This stanza tells us that he has become confused and he dies. My conclusion is that it is a good poem, where the poet uses simple english, so anyone can understand it. I think people who are into love and romance will get pleasure from this poem very much.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

John Adams Essays -- essays research papers

John Adams, who became the second president of the United States, has been accused by some historians of being the closest thing America ever had to a dictator or monarch (Onuf, 1993). Such strong accusations should be examined in the context of the era in which Mr. Adams lived and served. A closer examination of the historical events occurring during his vice presidency and his term as president, strongly suggests that Adams was not, in fact, a dictator. Indeed, except for his lack of charisma and political charm, Adams had a very successful political career before joining the new national government. He was, moreover, highly sought after as a public servant during the early formation of the new federal power (Ferling, 1992). Adams was a well educated, seasoned patriot, and experienced diplomat. He was the runner-up in the election in which George Washington was selected the first United States President. According to the electoral-college system of that time, the second candidate with the most electoral votes became the Vice President (Smelser & Gundersen, 1975). As president, Washington appointed, among others, two influential political leaders to his original cabinet; Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Jefferson, a veteran politician became the Secretary of State and Hamiliton, a young, outspoken New Yorker lawyer, became the Secretary of the Treasury (Ferling, 1992). Jefferson, like Adams, had also signed the Declaration of Independence. Hamilton, however, was the only cabinet member relatively unknown to Adams (Ferling, 1992). It was Hamilton, nonetheless, who excelled during this new administration by initiating numerous, innovative, and often controversial programs, many of which were quite successful. Adams and Hamilton were both Federalists. Unlike Hamiliton, Adams was more moderate (Smelser & Gundersen, 1975). During this first administration, Adams and Hamilton quarreled (Washington Retires, 1995), and Adams contemptuously began referring to Hamilton as â€Å"his puppyhood† (DeCarolis, 1995). This created a rift in the administration, for Washington generally favored Hamiliton (Smelser & Gundersen, 1975), and disregarded Adams (Ferling, 1992). Hamilton also went to great lengths to drive Jefferson out of the cabinet (Allison, 1966). Jefferson did finally, indeed, resign from the cabinet. The Federalists â€Å"party,† of which Hamiliton w... ...larity in the latter part of his term. It should also be pointed out that though the Sedition Act was anti-democratic in practice, Thomas Jefferson, who defeated Adams, used it against the Federalists in 1803 (People v. Croswell) and indicted a publisher (DeCarolis, 1995). Jefferson was not accused of being a dictator for such non-democratic actions. Adams was neither dictatorial in his conduct, or imperial in his policies. He appeared to have had the interest of the common people at heart. The conflict with France, the high taxes needed to keep the army and navy operating, and the poor legislative faux pas Congress made during period time, all cast a negative reflection on President Adams. This provided his opponents, like Hamilton, Burr, and even Jefferson, with political leverage to use against him, just as politicians and political parties do in our own modern era. If Adams were a dictator, then one must ask would the citizens elect his son to be the future president, twenty-four years later? Or, how his grandson, Charles Francis Adams, became America’s minister to London. Apparently the citizenry remembered President Adams in a positive, democratic way, and not as a dictator.

THE EPIPHANY OF DIVORCE Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"Logic: The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding.† Ambrose Bierce, American Writer, Journalist, Editor 1842-1914 The Epiphany of Divorce   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through much evaluation and reflection I can identify one instance in my life when my perception of the situation was far from the true reality. The ending of my first marriage and the subsequent change in my thought process has allowed me to step out of a perpetual cycle of enculturation imposed upon me by society. †¢ What did you think was going on?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I felt there were no problems with this relationship. The perception was that we were happy, everything was going perfectly or so I thought. We were building a new home, building a future together, and building a better life. I was content and satisfied with life and the relationship I was in. The marriage was idyllic, with little to no confrontation or major crises and ultimately fulfilling. Because we never had any knock down drag out fights or spoke badly of one another there was the perception that everything must be ok. We were financially secure, young and healthy and in love, well at least I was. †¢ What was really going on?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The reality of the situation was my marriage was on the rocks. There was a rift developing within the marriage and I was blind to the reality. Blinded because I was working too much in my pro...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Castle Rock Essay

How is an Atmosphere of Fear and Evil Created in the Chapter ‘Castle Rock’? The infamous ‘Lord of the Flies’ chapter ‘Castle Rock’: By the time you reach the chapter â€Å"Castle Rock†, the children’s behaviour is deteriorating, as they turn into savages, and start attacking and stealing from each other to survive in the ghastly wilderness. It is here that they expect that nobody will travel to rescue and protect them from the malignity from the horrifying island. The author tries to manipulate and influence the reader. He portrays an image that every inhabitant on the island has turned savage; however this is not the case. In fact ‘Piggy’ and Ralph are still sane, although it totally destroys Ralph’s heart, that Roger massacred ‘Piggy’ with the up-most aggression. Hence everybody chased him with repugnance to murder him with bullet sharp wooden spears. All of this puts the readers’ mind into overdrive, and makes the reader petrified. Cleverly by writing, ‘Ralph protested out of the heart of civilisation’ Makes the reader feel sorry for Ralph in his desperation, for all that he desires, which is peace. Moreover, the reader even feels a little guilty, due to the fact that the reader cannot do anything to help Ralph in his ventures. The author says, ‘Awful things have been done on this island’. This insinuates that mysterious and violent transpirences occur day and night. Some are noticed, and some are left overlooked, almost as if it is the norm, or because it is top secret never to be whispered to any other human soul. This makes most of the children want to use its unknown terror to cause chaos. One example of language and punctuation used in the chapter ‘Castle Rock’ is devised to create an atmosphere of fear and evil is, ‘The shivering, silvery unreal laughter of the savages sprayed out and echoed away. A gust of rage shook Ralph! ’ When the author says ‘unreal laughter’ it hints at something sinister and the fact that something evil is in the atmosphere around them. The author makes it sound as if it is a normal and acceptable occurrence, because he doesn’t add any special punctuation to it to make it sound more bloodcurdling than the average day in ‘Castle Rock’. Furthermore, the punctuation used in this quote, ‘A gust of rage shook Ralph! ’ shows how furious Ralph is, by adding an exclamation mark for emphasis. This makes the reader feel the fear of what Ralph might do. In other parts of the chapter, the author creates confusion, which makes the reader think of the multiple directions that a specific part of the chapter can lead to. The author uses his genius skill to manipulate his description to have more than one meaning. One of the meanings is to incite fear, and the other is to bring hope into the hearts of the readers. Another example of language and punctuation used is the quote, ‘Then there was, there was†¦ that’s his fault too. ’ When the author writes ‘There was, there was’, the words ‘there was’ are repeated to show the anxiety of the children who are saying these words. As well as that, the author says ‘†¦ that was his fault too’ the ellipses used shows that what the children had to say was too gruesome to pronounce. The language used shows that someone has committed something so appalling that it cannot be mentioned and that it is something that terrifies the living daylights out of them. In due course, I think that the fear and evil has consumed the island, because it makes most of the children resort to slaughtering pigs just for fun, because they have lost their innocence and conscience. This is mainly down to the fact that there is no law, there is nobody to tell them right from wrong; they think that they have the right to do anything that they desire, there is no concept of crime and punishment. This makes it almost impossible for anybody to live in peace or harmony. Another reason is because secretly they are all scared stiff of Jack, because he is the eldest and biggest, physically, and he has a powerful ally to fight for him and to protect him, known as Roger, however his biggest ally of all is fear itself. Ultimately, Jack wants to have all of his enemies to live in fear, so they slowly turn to him, because when they are fearful of him, they know that the longer they stay with Jacks number one enemy, the worse their punishment would be if he were to capture them. So they eventually turn to him for guidance and protection. Thus, this makes him the ‘king’ of the island in a violent and brutal way.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Electronic Cigarette

Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Regular cigarette smoking has been on the decline due to many factors including price, health risks, and the fact that most public places no longer allow indoor smoking; making it an inconvenience to step outside and light one up. The convenience, affordability, and health benefits are just a number of reasons the electronic cigarette is rising in popularity. A comparison between e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes show a number of similarities and differences. E-cigarettes offer the same amount of nicotine regular cigarettes do, thus satisfying a smokers nicotine craving that is attributed with cigarette smoking. E-cigarettes just about look, feel, and weigh about as much as a real cigarette, so puffing on one won't feel foreign to the seasoned smoker. Smoking regularly can get pretty expensive and buying the e-cigarette start up kit can be just as expensive too. As a smoker myself, I have noticed a number of differences between cigarettes and e-cigarettes. The taste of a regular cigarette to me is much more satisfying than that of an e-cigarette. E-cigarettes lack the authentic tobacco taste that cigarettes have and this leads to a less pleasing smoking experience. Cigarette smoke is full of harmful toxins, whereas e-cigarettes have about 1,000 times less toxins and there is no smoke, only water vapor. This leads to why most people who aren't ready to fully quit smoking, to start smoking e-cigarettes. Cigarette smoking is also very expensive, whereas e-cigarettes require quite a heavy initial investment at first, around $100 for the start up kit, they pay for themselves in the long run and end up saving you money over time.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Forrest Gump Review Essay

The third movie we watched was, â€Å"Forrest Gump†. Tom Hanks plays the main character, a simple man called Forrest Gump. The story is told through his innocent eyes, and we see just how crazy the world really is. His best friend, Jenny, is played by Robin Wright and Forrest’s mother is played by Sally Field. There are a few themes to be found in this movie, the main ones being, love, death and war. You can find love in the movie between Forrest and Jenny being best friends, and how Forrest took care and looked after Jenny in her time of need. Also there is a strong love between Forrest and his mother, and how she took care of him when he was younger and how later he took care of her when she was sick. Finally you can find love between Forrest and his new friend, Bubba that he meets along his journey, and how close they are and the plans they make. Death can be found in a few places in the movie, being it his mother, his wife, or his best friend; we see how Forrest overcomes these deaths and how innocent he is when it comes to death itself. The third theme, war, is found when Forrest finds himself working for the army in Vietnam. We see here that he sees the world as a crazy place and even though he is seen as simple, he sees that fighting isn’t the only way to solve things. This movie shows that no matter how simple people see you to be, you still know the difference between right and wrong. Forrest sees the world in a more innocent and sweet way, and as the movie goes on people start to see the world the way he does and start to understand him a little bit more.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Crime in the Information Age Essay

It’s not difficult to gauge what the popular notions of crime in the United States are. Engage in any polite conversation over dinner or cocktails and one is likely to hear similar themes: â€Å"crime is out of control, it’s just not the same world we grew up in, it’s not safe to walk down the street anymore, it’s a mean world out there,† etc. The underlying theme that can be drawn from these notions is fear. There is a widespread conception that crime is a rampant problem in this country and that violent crime and others are on the rise. However, these beliefs are not supported at all by the facts, even those put forth by our own law enforcement agencies. So why then, are most Americans so concerned with the threat of violent crime in particular? While the answer to this question is a complex one involving many contributors, the focus of this essay is concerned with the impact of popular media on these perceptions, because the media, it would seem, is one of the most influential contributors to the social construction of crime in this country. The coverage of crime, and particularly violent crime, in the news media has increased in frequency of coverage and sensationalized reporting despite statistical proof that violent crime has been decreasing for many years. This phenomenon is of great concern because how we arrive at our perceptions of our world should be critically examined so policy solutions react to truth not manipulated reality. As of 2001 homicides made up one to two-tenths of one percent of all arrests, yet made up 27-29% of crime coverage on the nightly news (Dorfman and Schiraldi). Still one of the most shocking statistics from Dorfman and Schiraldi’s study states that, â€Å"Crime coverage has increased while real crime rates have fallen. While homicide coverage was increasing on the network news by 473% from 1990 to 1998, homicide arrests dropped 32. 9% from 1990 to 1998. We can see one indication of the effects of this unrealistic reporting in 1994 when, for example, in a Washington Post/ABC poll respondents named crime as their number one concern (far more than any other issue) with 65 percent of those who responded as such saying that they learned about this issue from the media (Jackson and Naureckas). The fact is, however, that violent crime has been on the decrease for roughly thirteen years and is estimated to be at a roughly thirty year low (U. S. Department of Justice). The following g raph rom the Department of Justice shows a dramatic decrease in the rates of violent crime beginning in the early nineties: ? The National Criminal Victimization Survey, which is conducted differently than the more common Uniform Crime Reports, shows a decrease in violent as well as property crimes in the United States for more than a decade (qtd. in Torny 118). The evidence seems to be overwhelming; no matter what the method used for measuring crime rates there is an obvious decrease in crime, especially with respect to violent crime in the United States. These are just a couple of the statistics researchers and academics have compiled over recent years addressing the discrepancy between media coverage of crime and actual crime statistics. So in light of these multiple studies using different methods, how and why is it that media coverage of violent crime has grown exponentially? Surette explains that crime is both an individual and cultural product (237). There is a correlation between media consumption and support for more harsh criminal justice policies and perceptions of the â€Å"mean-world view† (Surette 196). This supports the theory that the more news a person consumes, particularly television news, the less they know about the actual state of the world. Surette explains that while the media certainly does have an impact it is not the only factor in creating this culture of the fear of crime and impacts those who live in a more isolated environment and consume higher levels of media (200). He also notes that research suggests that those who watch a good deal of television have trouble differentiating between the television world and the real world (204). The media has a â€Å"relationship with fear† that can correlate with fear fore some viewers (Surette 206). One example of this â€Å"relationship with fear† that the media seems to have can be found in a 1994 article in â€Å"US News and World Report† where the authors, despite noting briefly that violent crime by all statistical accounts is actually down, names the previous year as â€Å"the scariest year in American history† seeming to assert that the numbers don’t matter (Jackson and Naureckas). The article also makes a good point about the contradiction between perceptions of crime and the reality of crime: â€Å"the drumbeat of news coverage [that] has made it seem that America is in the midst of its worst epidemic of violence ever. That sense is not supported by the numbers† (Jackson and Naureckas). Throughout the rest of the article similar contradictions abound and it is difficult to tell exactly what conclusion should be drawn from it. The causes of crime, as with most crime reporting, are not dealt with in the article while â€Å"random violence† is examined closely (Jackson and Naureckas). Most violent crime is perpetrated by someone whom the victim knows yet the theme of â€Å"random violence receives much more attention in the media (Jackson and Naureckas). The US News piece illustrates how the media engages in a form of â€Å"doublethink† where despite knowledge of factual evidence indicating a decrease in crime they continue to put forth images that depict violent crime as an epidemic and continue to support perceptions of fear, distrust, and cynicism. This fear mongering often plays into preconceived notions of crime and violence such as racism, ageism, and classism held by some. A 2001 study by Dorfman and Schiraldi found that crimes against African Americans were underrepresented in reporting and overrepresented as perpetrators, white victims tended to receive more lengthy coverage as well. In Los Angeles television news African Americans were 22% more likely to be shown on TV committing violent crimes than non-violent ones despite the fact that arrest reports indicate that African Americans in Los Angeles commit both types of crime almost equally (Dorfman and Schiraldi). The study also shows how youths are also disproportionately covered: 7 out of 10 local TV news stories dealing with violent crime in California had youths as the perpetrators despite the fact that youths commit only 14. 4% of violent crime in that state. Furthermore, half of the stories dealing with minors for any reason involved violence even though only 2% (though due to unreported crimes the actual number may be higher) of California youths have been victims or perpetrators of violent crime (Drofman and Schiraldi). The study also found by looking at news reports over the last decade that in Hawaii there has bee a 30 fold increase in the number of youth crime stories despite a steady decrease in youth crime over that same time period. This increased focus on youth crimes has led to increased support for treating juvenile offenders as adults and, especially in instances of more serious crimes, applying the same retributive punishments previously not applied to young offenders (Glassner 73). These findings show how not only are the media’s sensationalized reporting of crime contributing to a false sense or reality for many people, but are also einforcing stereotypes and bigotry. Utilizing these preconceived ideas also intensifies the impact of fear based coverage. This sense of fear that the media is able to conjure up in certain situations can easily be manipulated by politicians and policymakers looking to gain some support. According to Glassner, the more fearful people are of crime the more likely they are to support more punitive justice systems instead of rehabilitation programs. This is especially true with respect to juvenile offenders (72). Glassner further argues that it is interesting that as we cut into funding for educational, medical, and antipoverty programs we begin to grow more concerned about crime and there seems to be what he calls â€Å"unacknowledged guilt† about why crime now seems inevitable (72). While the media is often the target of criticism and blame it has been argued that largely the media mirrors public opinion and can be controlled by it (Gans 76). There is evidence however that particularly brutal crimes or large amounts of coverage of crime can shift public opinion somewhat. For example, polls show an increase in support for the death penalty following news of horrifying crimes (Gans 76). Gans believes that despite the fact that the news media is often thought of as having more power than it actually does it may have long-term effects on public opinion (88). So, even though the media of course cannot shift public opinion overnight in the long run a shift in coverage of sensationalized crime coverage can have long lasting effects of the political climate around crime policy. If the tone of the media is largely controlled by previously held notions of media consumers then how might the news media correct the public when it’s beliefs are erroneous? Chiricos examines the effect of â€Å"moral panics† which something or someone becomes defined as a threat to societal values or norms (2). Moral panics are signaled by a rapid increase in the volume of media reporting and are often followed by political action as the public feels that â€Å"something must be done† (Chiricos 60). Every so often crime and violence becomes the subject of a moral panic in America. Chiricos examines two moral panics occurring in the early to mid nineties: crack cocaine and violent crime. Both of these stories where covered in much the same way: as inner-city problems leaving the ghettos and threatening the middle-class way of life (63). When this issue was framed as a direct threat to suburban America a moral panic followed. When crime was confined to urban areas and â€Å"ghettos† there was little to worry about until the perception became that crack and violence was spreading into areas that were considered to be â€Å"safe†. During this time 49 percent of Americans then said that crime was the most important issue facing the country compared to only 9 percent before the moral panic began to set in (Chiricos 64). The panic was further compounded by reports that these issues were spreading to children which Chiricos notes is a common component of the rise of a moral panic (65). The reaction to these panics was unsurprising. Panics are viewed as sudden problems and treated with fundamentally inappropriate solutions such as sending more people to prison and building more of them (Chiricos 67). Following moral panics, according to Chiricos, â€Å"commands† are issued by the public (71). The policy ramifications from these moral panics included 9. 7 billion dollars for more prisons, California’s three strikes program, and various repressive laws aimed at adults and children alike in many states (Chiricos 71). These examinations of the media’s relationship with public opinion point out how in this age of information the media is an important factor in how we carry out our democracy and decide what issues are important. If this has become the case than there are serious concerns for how the media is serving democracy. Lawrence sees the media as an arena where problems are constructed and there is constant struggle between elites, groups, and the public seek to define and address problems (3). What constitutes a problem is socially constructed. This is also true of crime problems. Lawrence is concerned with how problems are socially constructed in the media because when something is defined as a problem facing the country power is conferred upon the social institutions we would likely look to deal with it (5). So, in the arena of the media if crime is framed by elites as stemming from the degradation of society or loss of opportunities for many people then programs and institutions organized for supporting the poor and communities will be empowered. However, the usual winners in this clash of frames typically define crime as an epidemic problem fueled by a justice system which is too soft on criminals. With this frame politicians must appear â€Å"tough on crime† and power is given to more punitive crime control policies and the prison-industrial complex flourishes as more and more money is spent on warehousing offenders. This further disempowers social welfare institutions as money spent on police and prisons cannot be spent on education, healthcare, or welfare programs. This struggle to define problems can be looked at as a clash of differing realities where vastly different takes on issues exist but one is adopted by the media and then disseminated to the public (Lawrence 5). Lawrence says that the prevailing reality held by the most successful definers typically comes from officials within the government (5). There exists a close relationship between government officials and the news media. They are the primary definers and therefore the strongest factor in how we construct the reality of crime (Lawrence 5). This is unhealthy because, with the issue of crime in particular, officials are quick to define crime as an epidemic issue filled with fearful imagery and then act against criminals in draconian ways. When they construct a reality where they are needed to protect their constituents justice in harmed for the sake of political capital. This manipulation of reality and fear for the sake of power is addressed by Entman but with respect to the war on terror instead of crime and justice. He argues that the elite exert control by hegemony and indexing (4). Hegemony refers to the way officials release only information that supports the narrow reality that they seek to perpetuate and indexing is how the media reflect this narrow debate among elites quite closely (Entman 5). With this control over public perception it is relatively easy for officials to frame issues such as crime or terrorism. When they win the battle to define a problem obvious remedies arise. If terrorism is framed as an attack on our way of life rather than a consequence of our projection of power across the globe then it follows that the remedy is defense and war. Similarly, if elites succeed in defining crime not as a consequence of lost economic opportunities but as a result of naturally deviant personalities then the reaction that follows is to lock up these defective personalities and isolate them from the rest of â€Å"normal† society. The way in which we think about various issues and problems directly affects how we deal with them. Most in society would say that the solution to problems is obvious because it is. What is missed however is the fact that how we think about problems can completely shift the ways in which we deal with them. In order to change policy then the first step is to change the perceptions and the reality surrounding it for officials and the public alike. Lakoff tells us that if we can reframe issues we can create social change (XV). When we change the way the public sees the world, largely through the media, and alter that perceived reality we can change the policies that follow. So why then does the media seem to be so concerned with violent crime and creating feelings of fear and anxiety in its consumers? The reason seems to be sensationalized journalism meant to increase viewership and a system where officials control our perceptions through the media. It needs to be understood that passive consumption of the media is unhealthy and we should think critically about how reality is constructed by elites and the media because, that subjective reality directly affects the solutions that are used to deal with our problems. While so many people are given the impression that crime is rampant the underreported fact is that crime has been decreasing for many years. In order for there to be rational crime control policy in the United States we need to have accurate information about the reality of crime in this country. In order for this to happen the media must provide an accurate depiction of crime that is constructed by a fair debate in the public arena of the media. There is a lot at stake in how we perceive the world around us and how we think about crime and punishment.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Will The Paperless Office Ever Become A Reality Essay

Will The Paperless Office Ever Become A Reality - Essay Example It has been known that the debate on the paperless office becoming a reality has been raging on for quite some time and many individuals involved in this debate have had their own facts & figures that support the stand that they have taken. This essay would therefore work towards using all such reviews found from various articles and internet sources for providing suitable information on how the paperless office is poised to become a reality in the near future. During the past few years, with the introduction of he electronic mediums and with the option of being able to do almost all our work using this medium in the form of computers and software, it has been assumed that many have started to shun using paper wherever possible. On a similar note, there have been instances where people have not been in favor of using the electronic medium for activities such as reading novels, reports etc. of course, e-books continue to be an important form for storing information, but they are limited to technical manuals as on today. In this context, it is interesting to know that around 30-40% of work is done on papers.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Crime and punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crime and punishment - Essay Example The similarities between the events of the Genesis and the Gilgamesh flood story intrigue the thought process of critics to notice the rationality or irrationality behind the incidences of crime and punishment in the book. The epoch of Gilgamesh revolves around the 2000 B.C. but the Genesis flood happened in 400 BC that shows the flood occurred in different era (Saunders, 1964). Biblical authors provided their version of the flood to amend the stories for audiences of contemporary society resonating with the culture code and social belief of the people. The mythological elements accommodate the original story. Although there are stark differences between the plots of stories but the leitmotif remains same in both stories. The overwhelming presence of Judeo-Christian population restricts the objective evaluation of biblical stories and legends of other cultures as inbuilt texture of psyche prevents the right interpretation of the messages involved in the stories (Robinson, 2007). The common theme in both stories shares the experiences of human nature to affect threads of life in the society. How society should governs the quality of life and where human units fit into the composition requires the understanding and interrelationship between various elements. The cultural impact in the derivation of conclusion from these two stories shows insinuation of public experiences and opinion of society in the development of character. Even though similarities of episode in the stories of Gilgamesh with biblical tales remain evident but unfolding tales brings the signature of era. The chaos of human society is the trigger point of the God's wrath in the stories of Genesis and Gilgamesh. The text form Gilgamesh affirms the expression of God, "The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reasons of the Babel" (Gilgamesh 12).The absence of logic in God's anger in the story reflects the human perception of the Author in not providing the power of shielding noise. Development of acoustic science in the era of Gilgamesh seems limited as this was not the case of God's wrath in the Babylonian tale. The rationality behind fury in Genesis is acceptable for extinction of human species as man's evil intentions were destroying harmony. The text says, "It repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart" (Genesis. 6:6). The God's anguish is apparent in the expression, "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth. . . "(Genesis. 6:7). The discussion in the current paragraph provides the ins tance of authorities' role in applying control mechanism to sustain the social discipline. God as authority administers the enforcement of law to protect the goodness in the people for preventing crimes. The harsh punishment in the story does not justify the regulation measurement of GOD as the severity level of crime should be taken into account. Reformation exercise for crime is better option in comparison to destruction of culprit. The gap in system of crime and punishment across the different era improves understanding evolvement of human society if ideological beliefs of modern

General Concepts and Variables Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

General Concepts and Variables Assignment - Essay Example . Read the examples of studies that have then in the email addresses or search in a newspaper or magazine a report of a study and answer the following questions. Internet usability http://www.uberbin.net/archivos/estrategias/usabilidad-los-hombres-lo-prefieren-rapido-las-mujeres-mejor.php Purchase Online Travel http://isabelvazquez.com/2009/02/10/la-compra-de-viajes-por-internet/ a. Research question Is there gender differences in web usability criteria? b. Research Questions Do the majority (82%) prefer specialized web sites compared to traditional Agencies when informing and purchasing travel notes in Spanish network? c. Population and sample Population is Internet users (Men and women using the internet) d. Say if it is an example of descriptive and inferential statistics. Purchase online travel is an example of inferential statistics The internet usability case is an example of inferential statistics 3. Select which of the following options can be defined as variable: a. The number of women enrolled in Sec 4 of Mat210 Not a variable b. The grade point average of the students of the USC Variable

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Various Definitions of Freedom Coexisted in 17th Century America Essay

The Various Definitions of Freedom Coexisted in 17th Century America - Essay Example People were blocked of their rights by ascertaining classes on them like slaves, puritans, indentured servants, and many more. Even though there were divisions in the degree of freedom all of them meant the same and wanted to acquire it at any cost. Puritans To begin with, during the 16th century, Puritans was the name conferred on to the most extreme Protestants of the Church of England who thought that the English Reformation had not succeeded in renovating the principles and structure of the church. They wanted to decontaminate their national church by abolishing every piece of Catholic influence. In the early 17th century some puritan groups separated from the Church of England and headed to what is now New England. The reason behind their flight was that the repeated protests and complaints of the Puritans against the Anglican Church, the official state church of England where they were added as officials, ended the authorities to take action against the puritans. In 1630 Archbi shop of Canterbury William Laud, an anti-puritan Church leader had put a charge over the outspoken Puritan ministers by making it a criminal offense to attend Puritan worship services and succeeded in pursuing all puritans from opposing to the Anglican Church. ... Landowners in the American colonies made use of the European indentured servants as well as the forced laborers by enslaving the Africans. In the beginning, only few slaves were imported from Africa but later on when the tobacco farming got expanded, large number of slaves was imported from Africa. The landowners found slavery more economical than hiring a European laborer. At the end of the 17th century, the slavery and the slave transportation in the northern America were so cruel. During their course of travel from Africa, those slaves found too ill to endure the trip were thrown out to be drowned. As they landed in America they were treated as goods which can be easily bought or sold. The masters made advantage of the freedom of slaves and rejected their right of living. Even the rebellions and conspiracies of the slaves have reduced the slavery to some extent, that is not all enough for the slaves to be granted freedom. Evidently for the slaves, freedom meant nothing but escapin g from the arrogance of their masters; and the only way to achieve this was to ensure some constitutional privileges. Indentured Servants An employer getting into contract with a young and unskilled laborer to work for him for a fixed period of time is called indenturing a servant. Such indentured servants are not paid any wages other than transportation, lodging, food and clothing. They usually work as helpers in farms or as house servants for 4 to 7 years. Many of such servants were seized by force or recruited from the slums of London or of Bristol. These young people too had to suffer on their way to America as the slaves did. Once reaching their masters, they endured a lot of

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Physiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Physiology - Essay Example This pathway consists of A & A fibers characterised with high velocity (30 to 110 m/sec) of impulse conduction. The dorsal column-lemniscal pathway has also high degree of spatial orientation of the nerve fibres; particularly the medial fibers convey the information from the lower parts of the body while the lateral fibers related to higher segments. The spasticity in the muscles is related to the pyramidal insufficiency. This condition can occur if pyramidal pathways controlling voluntary movements are damaged by the mechanic or other agents. Intoxications, chronic neurodegenerative diseases, traumas, and metabolic disorders can play role in the origin of muscular spasticity. The attenuation reflex is important protective mechanism providing the best sound perception. The contraction of the stapes muscle protects the inner ear from damaging. The role of outer ear structures is important also - they can reduce resonance in the middle ear. Summation is a process of gradual release of the transmitter and the transmission of the impulse from several presynaptic neurones to one postsynaptic neurone (spatial summation) or from only one presynaptic and one postsynaptic neurone (temporal summation). The summation leads to the release of sufficient the impulse is transmitted across the synaptic cleft. The pain control system of CNS is represented by three major components: the periaqueductal grey and the nucleus raphe magnus (in the brain) and the pain inhibitory neurons of the dorsal horns in medulla spinalis. The opioid receptors of these structures are activated by endorphins or exogenous opiates and block the spreading of pain impulses. 3.3 Why is it difficult to localize slow, chronic pain (2) Chronic pain usually irradiate to other areas thus its localisation could be difficult. Furthermore, the efferent pain stimuli are conducted to CNS